
Our Sustainable Solutions
In General Packaging

The perfect balance between functionality and sustainability
Aligned with our commitment to driving positive change in the world of plastic packaging, the company has ventured into various eco-alternatives. Our eco-alternatives are focused on reducing the environmental impact of plastic packaging, while maintaining the quality and functionality required for modern packaging needs.

Bio-degradable Bags

Bags designed to break down naturally overtime through biological prosesses
End-of-Life Solution
Designed to break down naturally overtime through biological processes.
Reducing environmental impact
Help to combat plastic pollution in land and marine.
Waste management benefits
Biodegradable bags can offer valuable solutions for countries with limited waste management infrastructure, reducing the burden on landfills and waste processing facilities

Compostable Bags

Bags that can be broken down into organic matter through composting facilities
End-of-Life Solution
Designed to break down into organic matters in composting facilities without leaving harmful residues behind.
Eco-friendly Material
Sourced from renewable sources or sustainable plant-based compounds.
Conservation of resources
The use of compostable materials eliminates the use of virgin petrochemicals.

Post-Consumer Recycle (PCR) Reusable Bags

Bags with PCR materials designed for multiple uses
Circular Economy
Materials are continuously reused and recycled, enabling a closed loop in the plastic supply chain.
Waste Reduction
By incorporating post-consumer waste, plastic waste is diverted away from landfills and incineration.
Promoting 3Rs
Reliance on virgin petrochemicals is reduced in plastic bag production. Thicker bags to promote reusability. Bags are made up of post-consumer recycled content.